Tag Archives: Dick DeVos

Campaign Finance (is it August 6 yet?)

We’ve been tipped to a circumstance in Paul Welday’s campaign finance reporting that changes one of the numbers as reported in a previous post.

The campaign finance statements also require the reporting of unpaid expenses, and the Welday campaign has nearly $8,000 outstanding to vendors for signs, fund-raiser food, accounting and graphic design services. In the interest of accuracy, that brings his total campaign spending to $31,680. Contributions bumped today as well, with the late reporting of two contributions, including $243.45 from Right to Life Michigan.

A clarification from the previous post: The Great Lakes Education Project, which contributed $500 to Welday’s campaign, favors “school choice,” a generally accepted euphemism for vouchers. The PAC was founded by none other than Dick DeVos, whose unsuccessful 2006 candidacy set a record for campaign spending in a Michigan gubernatorial campaign.

–Joni Hubred-Golden
Michigan Woman Blogger

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